Sell Real Estate & Travel

Helping Real Estate Agents Leverage their Database and Increase their Earnings

Kat Friedman

Kat Friedman, Founder & CEO of Habitats by Kat started her entrepreneurial journey in 2018 when she obtained her Real Estate license in NYC. Prior to this, she worked for Marriott hotels and always was in Sales & Marketing, so servicing Real Estate clients and being in a new industry was not a stretch given her experience.

Overtime, Kat started to see an opportunity to combine both Real Estate and Travel under one brand which is when Habitats by Kat was born. Kat has grown her business over the past six years and is now building a team of Real Estate & Travel sellers. She realizes other Real Estate Agents out there want another form of income, want a way to set themselves apart from competitors, and specialize in short-term rentals, relocation, and Airbnb investment style properties. Adding Travel and Hospitality to your business allows you the tools, resources, training, and knowledge to weave this into your existing business plans and communication.

Ways to combine Real Estate & Travel

Relocation Services

Book lodging during the clients move and help find their new home.

Global Short-Term Rentals

Have the ability to do rental deals in your own market and globally.

Support Investors

Have additional knowledge in Airbnb style investments by learning more about the travel industry.

Post-Deal Strategy

Stay top of mind by providing another service to your clients in between real estate transactions. Remember, the two have a lot in common and are very lifestyle driven!

Concierge Services

Approach real estate as a true hospitality business and develop a suite of services that you provide clients.

Incentive Marketing

Level up your email and social media marketing with travel perks and new places to explore. Find creative ways to market your listings and open houses through travel deals to get more eyes on the property.

Grow Your Database

Offer another lifestyle service to your business offering to capture more leads.

Monetize Your Database

Grow your earnings when clients are not in the real estate market through travel services.

Local Tour Guide

Real Estate Agents are already a local tour guide in so many ways. Create local itineraries with places to go and things to do that you can book for your clients and earn commissions.

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a Strategy

Kat Friedman

However you decide to weave travel into your business, remember to create a strategy that supports it. This new aspect of your business should help you with the following:

  • Stay top of mind to existing clients.
  • Stand out from the crowd.
  • Include in listing pitches as a special perk of working with you.
  • Include in language to new buyer clients as a special perk of working with you.
  • Become more referable. Maybe your network doesn't know anyone looking to buy or sell but they may know someone looking to plan a trip.
  • Be the expert in your local economy and small businesses to explore. Did you know tourism is a huge revenue generator for many markets?

These are ideas to consider but creating a business plan and factoring travel within your day-to-day activities will be your key to success when communicating your new brand and offerings.

How Travel & Real Estate

Are Connected

When you first saw the idea of combining Real Estate and Travel you may have paused and wondered how is that possible. When you take the time to really think about these two industries and the ways they are similar it starts to make sense. This becomes even more obvious when you think of all the Real Estate Agents who left the hospitality industry just like Kat.

Below we outline basic similarities:

  • Service based
  • Direct sales efforts in both businesses
  • Very consumer facing. Most sales are B2C vs B2B
  • Understanding client needs and building rapport
  • Lifestyle driven
  • Negotiations
  • Marketing

So, with this said, how does Travel play a factor in our clients lives when they are planning to purchase or rent a home? Where can travel make a positive impact in our overall service to bring value to our clients?

  • Relocation: When you are helping a client who is moving to your market, they will visit a couple times to get to know the area, see properties they like and figure out where they want to live specifically. By adding travel to your business, you could book them a hotel, resort, or vacation property to stay in plus earn commissions doing it while helping them find a new home.
  • Clients Who Work Remotely: For clients who work remotely or AKA “digital nomads” a new trend we are seeing post COVID-19 is living in a new destination for 30-60 days. By adding travel to your business, you can help clients with short-term rental properties around the world and earn commissions doing it.
  • Short-Term Rental Investors: Do you work with investors or anyone interested in buying an Airbnb style investment? If so, being part of the travel industry will provide added knowledge and insight with what travelers want when supporting your investor on the right property. HBK has management company and asset management software recommendations to further support investors once they have closed on a property. This positions you as the Realtor, an invaluable part of their business.
  • Thank Clients with Experiences vs Material Items: Millennial’s started this trend, but it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere with the generations that follow. Many clients and first-time buyers favor a memorable experience vs clutter or something they simply do not need. When you close a deal, how do you say thank you? By adding travel to your business, you can offer complimentary trip planning services for their next vacation. Travel can fulfill people’s lives in so many ways but to name a few you can help your clients experience a new culture, try new food, and see distinct parts of the world.

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