As a member of HBK, you'll join an exclusive community of like-minded individuals, always planning their next trip. Tap into a network that offers travel inspo, insider tips, and expert guidance on how to earn money while traveling. Our packages provide members access to all our travel partners and the ability to network in our community hub. Our travel partners include hotels, resorts, vacation properties, tour operators, cruises, and other global booking platforms. We provide several options for members to choose from because we understand that everyone has a different budget and goal in mind. Commissions across our travel partners will vary, but we’ve noted below what your travel sales would need to be per package to make money based on 10% commissions, which is very conservative. Commissions will range from 8% - 18% of the total trip value pre-tax. Please note, member’s can upgrade or downgrade their membership at any time.
$30/One time fee
35% commission splits
Curious to see what our community is all about? Take advantage of this one-time fee offer for a Sneak Peek.
If you book $858 dollars in travel sales, you will turn a profit based on 10% commissions.
Select Package$6/month
50% commission splits
You travel 2-3 times a year and realize you have been leaving money on the table and want to Travel Like an Insider while earning commissions from anywhere.
If you book $1,200 dollars in travel sales annually, you will turn a profit based on 10% commissions.
Select Package$25/month
80% commissions
You travel throughout the year and are always helping friends, family, and even total strangers online with trip planning. The idea of starting a travel brand is exciting, making you an Aspiring Entrepreneur.
If you book $3,756 dollars in travel sales annually, you will turn a profit based on 10% commissions.
Select Package$50/month
90% commissions
You travel all the time and building an online business is a focus of yours. Supporting friends, family, and your network when traveling is something that comes naturally to you, making you a CEO.
If you book $6,672 dollars in travel sales annually, you will turn a profit based on 10% commissions.
Bonus: With this package, we provide you with an affiliate link and pay 30% of the recurring subscription revenue for those you bring into the community. It’s optional if you want to take advantage of this or not, but a great way to create a recurring revenue stream. Select Package